Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Welcome to removable memory planet!!!

Removable memory planet!!!!!
 Long time ago, people used many kinds of material such as leaf, rock, and paper in order to keep memory. As the global technology has been improved, the material used to store the data has been improved also. This storage has been around us in everyday life. Removable memory has been introduced to the world since the computer emerged. Early removable memory was base on magnetic tape. It was like the one that used by an audio cassette. Actually before that, early computer even used paper punch cards to storage information.
Now we have come a long way since the days of punch cards which can only store a few bits of data. As it has been developed, new removable memory devices can store hundred of megabytes ( and even gigabytes ) of data on a single disk, cassette, card or cartridge. This blog will provide the useful information about three major storage technologies. Each of those includes devices each technology used and what is going to be in the future for this medium because this is removable memory planet. if anyone of you think I might have done something wrong or have any suggestions, please do not hesitate. Thank you^^